I wrote a book.

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I wrote a book.

Postby augmentedfourth » Wed Feb 1, '12, 8:47 pm

I needed a pen name, so I decided to go for something PS-based. Why not? :D

I had zero input as to my cover, but I am completely in love with it:

Right now, it's available in most e-book formats. The official Kindle version isn't out on Amazon yet, but I'm keeping an eye out for it. Also, it apparently takes longer to format for paperback, but that should be out eventually as well. Here's one option (complete with an excerpt of Chapter One!): linkylink

(Disclaimer: There is some "adult content" in the book, though the sites I linked are completely SFW. Just giving a heads up.)

Per the publisher's suggestion, I also made facebook fan pages to help spread the word. Come on, you know you want to "like" Thea Landen! :mrgreen:

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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby myau56 » Wed Feb 1, '12, 9:10 pm

Greetings for your work, like I said just before on your facebook page ! I'm eager to write all your fanfiction (but not much time to do it...:()
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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby Bragatyr » Wed Feb 1, '12, 9:25 pm

First of all, major congrats for getting a novel published. I'm kind of blown away by this. As a fellow writer, I don't think people realize just how much work simply getting a novel written really is, let alone the process of actually submitting it and selling it. I hope to do the same some day.

The cover art is indeed awesome. And I love the pen name. I'm curious about any influences you had in writing the novel (like whether Phantasy Star was somewhere in mind, for example). I'd love to hear anything about the process, or the novel itself. I have an E-reader, so I may well pick this one up at some point.
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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby Oakley2284 » Thu Feb 2, '12, 3:02 am

you book seem great ^^

I just wanna know if you'll translate it in french one day? ^^
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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby myau56 » Thu Feb 2, '12, 8:36 am

GRYZ : Good Question ! :) but even if one day it is translated in french..I'll try to read it in english : the better is always the original version :)
And yes knowing the process (if it's not secret !!^^) would be great...
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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby augmentedfourth » Thu Feb 2, '12, 7:00 pm

Woo-hoo, I already see some more "likes"! Thanks, guys!

As of right now, I don't think there are any plans by the publisher to translate it (and if someone else wants to do it, I don't know what that process is like). But so far, I've been asked about French and German versions. It's great to be part of such a global community! :D

I'd say there's a little PS influence in there - there's DEFINITELY some PSO influence in the first chapter (I admit to not knowing a whole lot about weapons and fight scenes and whatnot). Also, at least one person who read the preview (I think it was H-Man?) said the main character had similarities to Sari. (It wasn't intentional, but Sari's awesome, so that's good!) I'm in the process of writing another one, and quite a few other video game series helped inspire me. There aren't really any planned PS elements so far, but I can see exactly where I drew from (or am planning to, anyway, it's only about 25% done) the Myst series, the Kings Quest Series, and, uh...Golden Axe 3.

I'm sure everyone has a different story, but if you want to know anything about the process/my personal experiences, I'll be happy to share. I will say that if you ever want to be dealt a serious blow to your self-esteem, have a professional editor look at your work. :wink: Mine was great to work with and she didn't make me feel dumb at all; it was more of me kicking myself and yelling at the screen, "I KNEW that! I'm such an idiot!" and "Oh man, this part really sucks, what was I thinking?" All in all, it was a great experience, though, and I hope I can repeat it in a few more months (minus the submissions part, I can be fast-tracked with the same publisher now).
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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby Lucas » Fri Feb 3, '12, 5:55 am

Congratulations A4, it would be neat to own an actual paperback copy of a fan-work like that. Also the fact that a few parts of your story are Phantasy Star inspired is brilliant. Love the cover art.

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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 3, '12, 8:22 am

Wow, that's fantastic news augmentedfourth!!!

Congratulations!!! :clap:

The book looks and sounds very interesting. That's a great cover and I love your pen name. I hope it does very well for you. I'd also be interested in knowing when it comes out in paperback. :yes:

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Re: I wrote a book.

Postby myau56 » Fri Feb 3, '12, 12:29 pm

Sure that the pen name is fantastic ! Very good and easy to find out...especially on google !I tested it before :)
Great sharing experiences too.. maybe one day I'll try to write a fanifiction (for the start !) about phantasy Star but only in french because my english writing skills aren't sufficient.. But I continue to learn !!:)
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Re: I wrote a book. (now with more book!)

Postby augmentedfourth » Thu Jul 5, '12, 8:00 pm

Bumping because...I wrote another book! This one's extra-special because I based it off a little short I wrote for Xander about Claire. Many many months after writing the little 1000-word story, I thought about it again, and then it served as the basis for a 50K-word novel. (I did make sure to get permission from him first! :D ) So this one's not exactly PS-inspired, but close enough!*

The cover art is not what I expected at all, but I still like it!

It was just released today (a month ahead of schedule! that was a nice email to come home to), so as of right now, it's available in most e-formats from the publisher and All Romance Ebooks. Last time, I think it took another week for the official Kindle version to go up on Amazon, and two weeks for the paperback.

And now, just for fun, one of the synopses with my own commentary added in!

Stephen’s [color=#BF00FF](who used to be Xander) quiet life is turned upside down when he experiences vivid dreams of a woman he’s never met. Liora (who used to be Claire), having grown tired of her forced isolation and servitude in the land of Marindal, uses the mystical sphere housed in her cellar to attempt to reach someone to help her break free. They meet up several times in a subconscious illusion Liora creates for them (which used to be the forest/pond/clearing) and quickly form a strong bond. Stephen follows her to Marindal, where he’s instantly captured by her cruel master, Thirvar. Plans for escape become their top priority, and their feelings grow deeper during their secret meetings in the realm of fantasy (because Claire has VISIONS!). The knowledge that they will want different things once they are safe from Thirvar’s clutches taints the prospect of reaching their goal. They are faced with the decision between seeking out the lives they left behind and taking a chance on the future of their love.[/color]
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