Doritos in Space

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Doritos in Space

Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 11, '08, 1:38 am

Doritos is spending £150,000 to beam a TV commercial into space. They're aiming the transmission toward another star system, in hopes that aliens will see it and come to Earth wanting Doritos. ... ge_id=1965

Now I ask you, is this nuts or what? Even if the signal does get picked up so far away, how are the aliens going to even know what it is saying?
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 11, '08, 2:34 am

Ha, first thing I thought on reading this was that this would be a good one for "ridiculous item of the day", lol.

Well, if the aliens want the doritos bad enough to come after them, we better have a whole lot of doritos ready is all I can say. :wink:

I wonder what they would prefer to drink, or wash all those doritos down with, when they finish eating them?????????????????? :idea:

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Postby Reno » Tue Mar 11, '08, 2:37 am

Heh, I thought I'd heard about this but considered it only a rumour, this confirms it to be a publicity stunt designed to steer the world's eye to the seemingly mad Frito Lay company. All it's really doing is giving them attention... I shall now list a few quotes so ridiculous you can almost hear the Frito Lay executives laughing as you read them:

So mad they're brilliant, Frito Lay Representatives wrote:"If the first word the aliens say when they land in their spaceship is Doritos, we will be delighted."

"With the transmission technology and planning we are employing, there is a much greater chance that the Doritos advert will potentially be seen by billions of aliens."

"If you are going to broadcast to aliens, you want them to be sufficiently like us to be able to understand what you are saying. With that in mind, it should also have a habitable zone where there could well be smaller planets like the Earth with alien life not too dissimilar from us and we are targeting them."

"There is only one audience much bigger than [the US' Superbowl] - the rest of the universe. It is the biggest untapped market out there."

Obviously, this is a bizarre differing factor that makes them stand out from their competition. How many people will now make an ad to send into space (It's a contest; whichever ad they like best, they'll chose it to broadcast)? Quite a few more than were initially... How many people will buy more Frito Lay products, (aka Doritos) because of this? QUITE a few more than initially...
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Mar 11, '08, 4:55 am

lol, I can't wait for aliens to actually come down and say, "DORITOS!!" XDDD
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Postby Rudo » Tue Mar 11, '08, 5:18 am

I don't like Doritos. What if the aliens don't like them either? We could be in big trouble then. Yikes! :blank:
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Mar 12, '08, 2:26 am

What if the Aliens don't know it's food? Then what would happen? :D
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Postby Thoul » Wed Mar 12, '08, 5:14 pm

I can just see the aliens coming down and trying to take over because they thought Doritos were a weapon of mass destruction or some such. :lol:
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